Friday, February 22, 2013

Poor little blog..

I have neglected my poor blog, and there is a LOT to tell! I'll shorten it and suffice with pictures of each new critter.

We still have the California buck, Oliver. Still have all three Satins. We ate California doe Flower as she failed with two sets of kits, had mastitis, and a horrible temperament. She was tasty.

The new rabbit additions are.....

Harli, who was supposed to be a Rex but is clearly not. Thats ok, she's cute and she should make some decent meat mutts in pretty colors.
Harli, bred to Rhett for 2/23/12 kits

And Juliet, who actually belongs to a friend but she lives here with us. She's a mini rex, and will be bred to Rhett probably.

Juliet pictured with Vixen, a california doe we had to cull for severely misaligned teeth

Also, Scarlett was bred to Rhett and gave us 7 live popples, however they did not thrive and so we've just got two remaining. They are almost 4 weeks old! Obviously I need some updated pictures. 

Scarlett and one of her kits at 2 weeks

We acquired one more chicken, so that brings us to 5, and we built a new coop. We also have 9 chicks on the way. They are Buff Orpingtons and Delawares. I'm hoping for a Delaware roo to keep, and as many pullets from the others as possible. I'll use the buffs to brood chicks! The Delaware will hopefully produce some nice dual purpose babies. Here's our coop!

100% free materials. "The Chick Inn"

While on the topic of structures, we built a rabbit barn as well that I am just so pleased with.

The Meat Locker. Hehe. The only expense was the roof, so about $100.

Now for a big announcement... We finally have goats! Just two for now but we're on the waiting list for another LaMancha doeling (at which point we might find a home for the Nigeran Dwarf wether, I think I don't want a horned goat in my herd. We'll see)

ND wether, no name..

Belle, my beloved LaMancha doeling! Love this girl! 

I'm hoping to borrow a rototiller and will be getting the garden space prepped here in the next few days, so hopefully that will go well. I'll update with pics!